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SAFPU President Leads by example as International Day of Education is celebrated

International Day of  Education sheds light on the reason why SAFPU started a bursary nest for players to benefit from 

The South African Football Players Union (SAFPU) has made it mandatory that part of their recruitment is about education, advocating that life beyond the pitch should be something that every player is prepared for.


Follow our leader, as President Thulaganyo Gaoshubelwe graduates, is part of the FIFA’s Players Status Chamber (PSC) and FIFPRO Africa’s Vice President among other things.


Being future forward however, is not always on everyones mind.

There are many stories both told and untold of players struggling to come to terms with life without football. Some can honestly say the transition was seamless while most have succumbed to being paupers at their death.


The President of SAFPU has not only made learning a way a of life, but he has led by example recently obtaining his Global Masters in Sports Management and Legal Skills from the University of Barcelona in Spain.


“This opportunity came along and I could not resist. I knew that it would be challenging and between all we do at SAFPU and the toll that it takes, and then to challenge myself and believe that it can be done – is what I look back at now that I’ve graduated. My wish is that every member player will take their future seriously and start preparing for the older you that will need to be cared for one day. This was also one of the reasons I decided to study,” explained the President.


Apart from his recent graduation Thulaganyo’s leadership has made an indelible mark at SAFPU where he has led since the early 2000's and also at FIFPRO where he is one of the founder members.


During the recent FIFPRO Congress held in South Africa he was elected as Vice President for FIFPRO Africa. “It was an honour to host the Elective Assembly in South Africa and my main focus was to ensure that every delegate had a great stay and that we continue to strengthen our agenda and our approach on the African continent to enable us to fight a good fight for the betterment of the players and football at large, most importantly to find ways on how to elevate the women's football," that is high on our agenda in this new year, said the new elect.


For now though, SAFPU extends an open line to all players who want to further their futures through educational institutions across the country. The bursaries are available, and we hope that in 2022 especially with lessons learnt from the pandemic, that every player heeds the call to think beyond football and make the investment in their futures now through education. 

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