South African Football Players Union (SAFPU)

Happy 2022

Happy New Year!

Time flies... and a New Year dawns . 

Welcome 2022!!!

It's been a roller coaster of a ride especially the last two years in sport the world over. The pandemic threw the entire soccer calendar on its head and so much has changed. Enter 'survival mode' which probably would be the best way to describe how the days roll on with one eye on the adjusted alert levels due to Covid-19 and getting the work done, but there is electricity in the air and the hope that this year will be different, this year will filled with  pleasant surprises, this year can be different if only we dared.

Nhlanhla Shabalala, Secretary General of SAFPU reminisces on the year that was, "We would like to thank all our members for having the trust they have in the Union. To our long standing members thank you for standing by us,  the appreciation we have for you is never-ending and our new members as well, thank you for joining our family as we promise to keep putting you first.

We want to wish everyone who has paid us a visit in our new home or who has extended congratulations to our President Thulaganyo Gaoshubelwe for the stripes he earned last year, to the support received from our various stakeholders throughout the year including the media who have extensively covered many a battle fought and won. Thank You!!! Here is wishing everyone a happy New Year." 

Prosperity, happiness, wealth and health is our wish to you, from everyone at SAFPU HQ.

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